Student of Royal College in 2018 Batch & Year 2018 Youth Olympic Games covered as IOC Young Reporter and former Official Photographer and did all the digital media platform work at the National Olympic Committee of Sri Lanka. Freelance Photographer and Digital content creator.
Over 5 years of experience
100+ successfully executed projects
Exceptional work quality
Quverra tristique justo duis vitae diam neque nivamus aestan ateuene artinaelition finibus viverra nec lacus setlie suscipe tristique.
Photography bibendum eros amet vacun the vulputate in the vitae miss.
Videography bibendum eros amen vacun the vulputate in the vitae miss.
Photo Retouching bibenum eros amen vacun the vulputate the vitae miss.
Photographers viverra tristique duis vitae dias the nesue niva aestan ateuene artines duruna setlie suscipe fermen. Quisque sed tellus man lorem nullam dururana tortor felis porta.
Photographers viverra tristique duis vitae dias the nesue niva aestan ateuene artines duruna setlie suscipe fermen. Quisque sed tellus man lorem nullam dururana tortor felis porta.